A appreciation of Howard Norman's novel The Bird Artist with a side note or two of appreciation of the real artists of the community in Newfoundland where is lived for a while.
Anne Enright's book The Wren, The Wren is a tale of modern Ireland's evolution from a country under the heavy thumb of the Catholic church to its current secular culture. She tells the story through the lives of a loving dysfunctional family.
The Nobelist Kazuo Ishiguro pegged his book When We Were Orphans as not his best book. The jacket blurbs though were heaped with praise. It was an interesting difference of opinion to explore.
John Steinbeck published The Winter of Our Discontent in 1961. Like all his novels, it was rooted in the environment and in the time period in which he wrote it. It still speaks accurately, though, to the world of the mid 2020's.