Poet Friends Posted by By Jim Bauman April 8, 2023Posted inLife and LivingTags: Aging, Friendship, Lynn Kernan, Poetry, Resilience The story of me and Lynn Kernan. One a would be poet, the other an actual poet.
The Road Taken: Figuring out when, where, and why to turn Posted by By Jim Bauman March 31, 2023Posted inLife and LivingTags: Cancer, Decisions, Old Age, Partners, Retirement Decision points in life can come at you unexpectedly or you can plan for them. This piece relates some decisions of both kinds I made in my life.
That Awkward Feeling Posted by By Jim Bauman March 26, 2023Posted inLife and LivingTags: Diversity, Groupthink, Journalism, Opinion, Polarization Political polarization weighs heavily on people who don't feel comfortable at either pole. How do you find a comfortable position on the spectrum?
Ambition Posted by By Jim Bauman March 15, 2023Posted inLife and LivingTags: Ambition, Goals, Golden years, Publication, Writing Why does a person at 78 decide to take on what is essentially a new job that they have no formal preparation for? There's got to be a reason, yes?