There is a pervasive tendency to label people we don’t like for some reason that offends us. Many labels are pejorative, meant not just to describe, but to tar.
Books are being banned as a radical right conservative battle with rights progressives have won over the years. This article offers some thoughts about who is going to win and what progressives can do to counter attack the book burners.
There are two opposing viewpoints about AI. One believes that the potential for AI is almost limitless and that it will ultimately reach human levels. The other, supported by linguistics says that's not likely.
This article focuses on the fortunes of the word "woke" and the change from its original meaning in the phrase "Stay woke" as a warning to an indictment of progressive politics.
There's a battle being waged over the meaning and significance of the word "woke," a term that has it's origins in the Black community as part of the language for how to deal with racial prejudice.
There's a debate in the U.S. as to whether systemic racism exists in the country. Some red states want to legislate the term away, to deny its existence. But is that going to be possible or even desirable?