What’s your point in writing these things?
First of all I don’t have ambitions for the Pulitzer. The point of my writing is to give me a personal record of the things I’ve felt interested in or excited enough about to take the time to make reasoned and logical arguments. It helps me to understood my own positions better. It’s usually a matter of getting something off my chest and forcing myself to be clear. At best I hope to present a considered viewpoint, but I don’t have any expectations of changing people’s minds.
What’s the policy on commenting?
You can add comments to any of the posts by scrolling to the end of the post and completing the comment form. You have to submit your email address, which will give me the chance to respond to you personally. To cut down on the ever present possibility of trolling, I do approve each comment. If you have anything of general interest, i.e., not related to a particular post, use the Contact page to send me an email.
BTW I’ll approve anything, any side of an issue as long as the comment isn’t nasty. Nasty means racist, sexist or any sort of -ist language that degrades any class of people or threatens any specific individual. I will not edit any comment, including spell check or “correct” grammar.
Have all the posts been published?
Not necessarily. Published pieces have to have some newsworthiness and be timely, and that won’t always be the case. Where posts have been published, though, I cite the publication source and date.
Do you accept postings from others?
Part of my mission is to generate citizen interest in publishing so as to keep local journalism alive and communities strong. So yes, hearing from others and giving them a venue for airing their concerns is part of the plan. Fill out and email a contact form and I’ll get in touch with particulars. There is a one-way direction from the Spirit of Jefferson to the blog, so I can’t guarantee that submitting something here would appear in the newspaper.