Shepherd University in West Virginia is a designated age-friendly university, meaning it is sensitive and responsive not just to its students, but to the wider community.
Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church each year sponsors a PeaceFest with local musicians playing pieces to align with a theme. This year's theme was Guns to Gardens an initiative to retire unneeded guns from the community.
The town council of Shepherdstown convened a town hall to consider community input into how to grow and sustain the successful business life of the town. This article is a report of the questions and discussion.
When a community aspires to raising its standard of living, it can put the housing needs of people who fall below that standard in jeopardy. They can find it hard to locate affordable housing. This is beginning to happen in several communities in Jefferson County, affecting particularly young people.
Poverty and food insecurity in Jefferson County is less than in other parts of West Virginia, but it persists. Several food services have been set up by social service organization to address the need.